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100 Series


T.W.P 100 Series

TWP 100 Series is an EPA registered wood and deck stain and preservative. Containing unique ingredients which protect wood from damage, TWP 100 series has been a leader and respected product for over 25 years.

  • Penetrating and enhances natural wood tones in 6 different colors

  • Preserves wood from turning gray

  • Sheds water

  • Used for all types of exterior natural wood - Decking, Wood Houses, Wood Fencing, Hardwoods, etc

  • Not prone to Mildew and Mold


Available in 1 and 5 gallon pails

Gallon Sizes:1's & 5's
Stain Type:Semi-Transparent Oil-Based
Coverage Per Gallon:100-200 square feet
Coats Required:2 Coats. "Wet on Wet"
Temperature:45-95 F
Application Tools:Pad, Sprayer, Brush, Roller
Dry Time:4-24 Hours
Cleanup:Mineral Spirits
State VOC Limits:Not Compliant in all States