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1500 Series


Available in 1 and 5 gallon pails

T.W.P 1500 Series

TWP 1500 Series is an EPA registered wood preservative which prevents structural damage and wood decay on exterior above ground wood surfaces such fencing, decking, wood siding, log homes, and roofing. TWP 1500 Series resists water absorption that causes warping, cracking and splitting as well as preventing freeze damage in colder climates.

Key Features

  • Preserves natural wood color

  • EPA registered wood preservative

  • Professional choice for all exterior wood surfaces

  • Semi-transparent stain preserves natural color

  • Sheds water longer

  • Prevents mold and mildew

  • Helps to prevent wood rot

  • Easy to apply and can be cleaned and recoated as needed

  • Helps in the prevention of warping, cracking and splitting

  • Low 250 VOC formula, compliant in 50 states


Gallon Sizes:1's & 5's
Stain Type:Semi-Transparent Oil-Based
Coverage Per Gallon:150-200 square feet
Coats Required:1-2 Coats. "Wet on Wet"
Temperature:45-95 F
Application Tools:Pad, Sprayer, Brush, Roller
Dry Time:12-72 Hours
Cleanup:Mineral Spirits
State VOC Limits:Compliant in all States