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200 Series


T.W.P. 200 Series

TWP 200 Series is a high solids, penetrating finish designed to extend the life of exterior wood such as decks, siding, cedar shakes and shingles. TWP 200 Series enhances cellular integrity and appearance of all exterior wood. The sealer will minimize splitting, checking, surface erosion, water absorption and surface attack from mold. Containing a paraffinic oil, TWP 200 series has extreme penetrating properties, making the surface coating highly resistant to destructive organisms.

  • Semi-transparent stain preserves natural color

  • Repels water longer

  • Aids in color retention

  • Resistant to mold and mildew Helps prevent wood rot

  • Easy to apply and maintain

  • Helps in the prevention of warping, cracking and splitting

  • Low VOC formula Compliant in 50 states


Available in 1 and 5 gallon pails



TWP Wood Deck Stain applies at about 100-250 feet per gallon. Actual coverage varies depending on wood porosity. 

TWP 200 series can be shipped to all 50 states.