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Available Sizes:2 lb Container

Powder Concentrate:1 Container Makes 5 Gallons

Purpose:Wood Brightener/Neutralizer

Coverage Per Gallon:150-200 sq. ft Per Gallon

Application Tools:Sprayer, Mop

 Restore-A-Deck Wood Brightener is a biodegradable, powdered concentrate that is mixed with water to brighten and restore the natural beauty of all species of exterior wood. This product excels at brightening, removing rust stains, and tannin stains caused by fallen leaves. Restore-A-Deck Wood Brightener is a safe, eco-friendly product that will not only brighten but neutralize the surface of the wood, creating an ideal surface that is ready to be stained.

This product is the perfect complement to our wood cleaning product, Restore-A-Deck Wood Cleaner. We recommend you use this product as part of our comprehensive wood cleaning system.

The Restore A Deck system is a multi step deck cleaning system, and best results are achieved when using all 3 products. This product is step 2 of the Restore A Deck system.