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Available Sizes: 2 lb Container

Powder Concentrate: 1 Container Makes 5 Gallons

Purpose: Wood Deck Cleaner

Coverage Per Gallon: 100-200 sq. ft Per Gallon

Application Tools: Sprayer, Stiff Brush

Neutralize: Yes

Restore-A-Deck Wood Cleaner is a powdered concentrate that is mixed with water. It safely cleans and restores the natural beauty of exterior wood commonly found on decks, stairs, and fences. This product also cleans weathered composite lumber, removing mold, mildew, and algae along with the silver-gray color that can develop over time. This product restores all wood surfaces back to their original appearance. Restore-A-Deck Wood Cleaner will not harm wood fibers, pets, grass, or most plants.

Restore-A-Deck Wood Cleaner has consistently been rated the best wood and deck stain cleaner year over year and is used by pros and homeowners alike.

The Restore A Deck system is a multistep deck cleaning system, and best results are achieved when using all 3 products. This product is Step 1 Cleaner of the Restore A Deck system.