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Composite Deck Cleaner

DEFY Composite Deck Cleaner is a safe, oxygen bleach deck cleaner that effectively removes black stains caused by algae, dirt, grime, and weathered graying from composite wood surfaces. Unlike chlorine bleach, this environmentally friendly deck cleaner is biodegradable and will not harm composite wood fibers, pets, grass, or most plants.

  • Cleans Composite & Vinyl Decking

  • Safer Than Chlorine Bleach

  • Cleans Vinyl & Aluminum Siding

  • Easy to Use – Simply Dilute in 5 Gallons Warm Water

  • Safe for Vegetation

Coverage Rate: Approx. 500-1,000 sq. ft. per 2.25 lb. container. Each 2.25 lb. container makes 5 gallons of cleaning solution.

Available Sizes: 2.25 lb. containers

Application Temperatures: Minimum 45° F

Application Method: Pump sprayer, mop or soft-bristle car wash type brush

Rinsing Method: Garden hose or power washer

Cleanup: Soap and water