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Composite Deck Sealer

Coverage Rate: Approx. 200-300 sq. ft. per coat. (For 2 coats 100-150 sq. ft.)

Available Sizes: 1 gal. containers

Application Temperatures: Minimum 45° F

Application Method: Pump sprayer, airless sprayer, pad applicator or brush

Dry Time: 2-4 hours (above 45° F), allow 24 hours before using

Cleanup: Soap and water

DEFY Extreme Composite Deck Sealer (DEFY Composite Deck Sealer) is an extremely durable clear finish that helps to prevent the return of black stains on composite decks and protect against the damaging effects of water, fungi, and UV radiation on composite wood surfaces. This V.O.C.-compliant, water-based product is fortified with zinc nano-particles, a natural deterrent to recurring black algae stains. There are over 30 TRILLION of these zinc nano-particles per square inch that protect your composite wood from the sun’s harmful UV rays, protecting your composite deck from color fade, moisture, and fungal growth.

  • Seals & protects composite wood

  • Prevents the return of black stains

  • Blocks UV rays

  • Prevents fading & color loss on composite decking

  • Clear protection

  • Eco-friendly & water-based