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Concrete Revive

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Also Available in a 1/4 Kit (2 Gals)

Quick to apply and dry, this polymer coating resurfaces and transforms concrete and aging asphalt. Just add one gallon of ANY color exterior latex paint to the kit, mix, and roll on with standard paint roller.

  • fills cracks

  • covers stains

  • creates a slip-resistant surface

  • water based for easy cleanup

COVERAGE:  Depending on the condition of the surface and the application technique, two coats will cover approximately 200 square feet.

Old concrete, not-so-old concrete, aging asphalt — all can now receive an eco-friendly facelift from Concrete Revive. Fill cracks, cover unsightly stains, restore and revitalize pool decks, patios, porches, walkways, steps, driveways, concrete docks and aging asphalt.