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Deck Revive

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Also Available in a 1/4 Kit ( 2 Gals)

DeckRevive is a one-of-a-kind polymer coating that resurfaces and restores aging wood decks, walkways, steps and more, allowing you to enjoy your existing structure for years! Just add one gallon of gloss exterior acrylic latex paint of any color and roll on with everyday paint tools.

  • locks down splinters

  • fills in cracks

  • slip resistant

  • environmentally friendly

COVERAGE: Depending on the condition of the wood and the application technique, two coats will cover approximately 200 square feet per Deck Revive Kit.

Unlike other "Deck Resurfacer" type products, Deck revive is breathable, allowing moisture to escape.

NOTE: You must use PermaBond as a primer coat.
