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Extreme Wood Stain


Available in 1 and 5 gallon pails

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DEFY Extreme Wood Stain is a synthetic-resin, semi-transparent wood stain formulated using state-of-the-art nano-technology to create a level of durability that simply has not been available in a wood stain finish in the past. Extreme Wood Stain is the newest member of the DEFY line of wood products and is our most innovative, high-performance product yet

DEFY Extreme Wood Stain is designed to be used on interior or exterior wood surfaces including:

  • wood siding

  • log homes

  • decks

  • fences

  • shake shingles

  • outdoor wood furniture

  • pressure treated lumber

  • all other natural wood surfaces.

Coverage Rate: Approx. 100-150 sq. ft. per gallon

Available Sizes: 1 and 5 gal. containers

 Application Temperatures: Minimum 45° F

Application Method: Pump sprayer, airless sprayer, pad applicator or brush

Dry Time: 2-4 hours (above 45° F), allow 24 hours before using

Cleanup: Soap and water
