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Extreme Wood Stain for Hardwoods


Available in 1 and 5 gallon pails

DEFY Extreme Wood Stain for Hardwoods (Deck Stain for Hardwoods) is formulated with small resins that penetrate hardwoods or oily softwoods better than other products. DEFY Extreme Wood Stain for Hardwoods is a synthetic, semi-transparent deck stain specifically formulated for use on cedar, mahogany, redwood, and other dense or difficult-to-penetrate woods.

  • Durable – Lasts an Extra Season or Two Over Competition

  • Resists Color Fading with Sunscreen Technology

  • Formulated with Smaller Resins to Penetrate Dense Hardwoods

  • Enhanced Mildew Resistance

  • Resists Darkening & Fading

  • Easy to Maintain

  • Tolerant of Damp Conditions

  • Eco-Friendly & Water-Based

Coverage Rate: Approx. 100-150 sq. ft. per gallon

Available Sizes: 1 and 5 gal. containers

Application Temperatures: Minimum 45° F

Application Method: Pump sprayer, airless sprayer, pad applicator or brush

Dry Time: 2-4 hours (above 45° F), allow 24 hours before using

Cleanup: Soap and water