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Gate Kit

Timeless Charm

The perfect finishing touch to your railing system, deck, and entire home.

A Breeze to Install

Designed for easy installation—and to be swinging and latching shut in no time.

Peace of Mind

Keep kids and young pets safely on your deck and inside the gate.

Contents (1 bag)

2 powder-coated aluminum side rails

(2) 4″ butt hinges (black)

1 gate latch and stop

(8) 3/16″ x 1″ self-drilling flat head screws (black)

(8) 3/16″ x 2″ flat head screws (black)

(2) 3/16″ x 3/4″ self-drilling screws (black)

(4) 1/4″ x 1″ screws (frame color)

(2) 1/4″ x 2″ screws (frame color)