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Impression Rail Express

 Vintage Style

Evokes the subtle grace and character of classic cast-iron fences.

 Customizable Design

Express your style with a variety of infills and low-maintenance, powder-coated finishes.

 Easy Installation

Pre-assembled railing panels come with patented, rattle-free, weld-free baluster connections for fast and easy installation.

Low Maintenance

No painting or staining required.

 Beauty That Endures

Will not rot, peel, or blister.

Rail Panel

Railing available in straight or Stair panels in 6′ or 8′ lengths and 36″ or 42″ heights.

NOTE: 3" posts are required to reach 6' and 8' lengths. Actual panel lengths are as follows:

6' panel = 69.43"

8' panel = 91.31"


3″ x 3″

Colors: Black | White | Bronze

Caps & Skirts

3″ x 3″ Post Cap

Colors: Black | White | Bronze

 3″ x 3″ Skirt

Colors: Black | White | Bronze