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Marine Seal

DEFY Marine Seal Wood Dock Stain is a long-lasting, semi-transparent dock stain specially formulated for use in the harsh marine environment. It is suitable for use on all types of wooden docking materials, providing extreme durability against the harmful effects of exposure to both fresh and salt water. Marine Seal has been specially formulated using state of the art nano-particle technology to provide superior resistance against ultraviolet color fade and mold and mildew growth.

  • Rapid Dry Time

  • 250 VOC Compliant

  • Resists Mildew/Fungus Growth

  • Environmentally Friendly for “Clean Marinas”

Coverage Rate: Approx. 100-150 sq. ft. per gallon

  Available Sizes: 5 gal. containers

  Application Temperatures: Minimum 45° F

  Application Method: Pump sprayer, airless sprayer, pad applicator or brush

  Dry Time: 2-4 hours (above 45° F), allow 24 hours before using

  Cleanup: Soap and water