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Premier Collection

Premier Collection

Composite decking engineered to be longer lasting and more resistant to the elements than traditional wood. With EDGE, avoid the constant problems and costly maintenance of wood decks and do more enjoying

Steadfast Color

These colors stay true. All TimberTech colors are engineered to last, and come with a 25-Year Fade & Stain Warranty — the industry’s best.

Moisture-Shielding Cap

Each board is capped with 100% synthetic material on three sides so moisture can't penetrate and cause damage.

Stain-Resistant Surface

Never worry about a spill again, because the easy-to-clean surface repels stains. Oils, acidic foods, wines, sauces, and more won’t cause any permanent damage

Sustainable Beauty

Made with a high percentage of recycled materials, for an eco-friendly alternative to natural wood.

Solid Underfoot Feel

A flat, full profile bottom offers strength and a more solid feel underfoot, similar to traditional lumber. 



Thickness: 1"

Widths Available: 5.5"

Square-Shoulder Boards available in:
12' and 20' Lengths

Grooved Boards available in:
12', 16' and 20' Lengths


Fascia (12″): 12′

Riser (7 ¼″): 12′