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Reserve Collection

 Reserve Collection

A premium composite that blends beauty with technology for the ultimate low-maintenance deck. Four-sided capping makes it extremely resistant to moisture damage, and its protective surface resists everyday stains and scratches.

Steadfast Color

Colors are engineered to stay true over time and come with a 30-Year Fade & Stain warranty. Choose from the widest range of rich hues.

Four-Sided Protection

Each board is capped on all four sides, all the way down into the grooves, Capping is made with 100% synthetic materials for total immunity against moisture.

Stain Resistant Surface

The easy-to-clean surface thwarts stains, so oils, sauces, and other household products won’t cause any permanent damage.

Install the Easy Way

Installations go more smoothly thanks to strong fasteners that don’t require pre-drilled holes. The result is a deck with a flawless, fastener-free surface.

Solid Underfoot Feel

A flat, full profile bottom offers strength and a more solid feel underfoot, similar to traditional lumber.

Deck Boards:

Thickness: 1"

Widths Available: 5.5"

Grooved Boards available in:
12', 16', and 20' Lengths

Square-Shoulder Boards available in:
16' and 20' Lengths

Fascia Boards:

Thickness: 1/2"

Width: 11 3/4" 

Length: 12'

Riser (7 ¼″): 12′