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Vintage Collection

 Vintage Collection

Capped polymer decking designed for unrivaled high-performance and beauty. Azek decking is engineered to last longer than any other composite decking, with the most natural hardwood look.

Steadfast Color

Engineered to stay true over time, colors are backed by a 50-Year Limited Fade & Stain Warranty. Choose from plentiful hues ranging from rich browns to grays — and natural hardwoods like mahogany.

Seamless Design Integration

Available in either standard, narrow, or wide-width boards, which allow you to create a variety of sophisticated looks, whether seen up close or from afar.

Wood Character

Natural, hardwood look, but this decking is 100% synthetic. Diverse wood grain options — including intricate, wire-brushed looks — offer elegant style.

Better Protection

Proprietary Alloy Armour Technology in the protective cap prevents fading, staining, and weathering thereby empowering all Azek boards to stand the test of time.

Be Carefree

Sturdy capping keeps your deck’s aesthetic beauty by repelling scratches, dents, and even insects. You can relax knowing your deck can take anything.


Thickness: 1”

Widths Available:
Narrow 3.5"
Standard 5.5"
Wide 7.25"

Standard Width
Grooved Boards available in:
12', 16' and 20' Lengths

Square-Shoulder Boards available in:
16' and 20' Lengths


Thickness: 1/2"

Width: 11 3/4" 

Length: 12'

Narrow & Wide Widths
Square-Shoulder Boards available in:
12', 16' and 20' Lengths