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Water Repellent

 DEFY Original Synthetic Water Repellent Wood Stain is a unique water-based system that protects wood without damaging the environment. Most wood finishes are formulated with natural oils, such as linseed or soya, that only serve as a food source for mold and mildew. The synthetic resins in DEFY give it superior mold and mildew resistance without using excessive fungicides.

  • Specially Formulated for use on Exterior Log Homes

  • For All Exterior Wood

  • Protects from UV Rays to Prevent Graying

  • Soap & Water Cleanup

  • Semi-Transparent – Brings Out Natural Grain of the Wood

Coverage Rate: First Coat: 100-150 sq. ft. per gallon

Available Sizes: 5 gal. containers

Application Temperatures: Minimum 45° F

Application Method: Pump-up Sprayer, Airless Sprayer, Pad Applicator or brush

Dry Time: 2-4 hours (above 45° F), Allow 24 hours before using

Cleanup: Soap and water