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Timbertech Contractor Night

Joseph Mares

Toby Bostwick, Timbertech Senior Product ManagerOn Thursday, January 26th, CJ Link & Timbertech hosted a contractor event with more than 30 contractors in attendance. After some pizza and adult beverages, the contractors were treated to a presentation from Toby Bostwick, Timbertech Senior Product Manager, on the exciting new products and changes in the Timbertech product line for 2011 including Earthwood Evolutions, the TopLoc fastener system and the new designer railing options of Radiance Rail. A virtual plant tour video was then conducted by Timbertech’s Northeast Regional Manager, Tony Groh. After some more pizza and adult beverages, many of the contracctors took advantage of being setup on Timbertech’s online marketing and lead website - - by Jessica Pearson, Associate Marketing Manager. Timertech’s Senior Vice President Kevin Brennan was also able to take questions and answers from the contractors while others were able to get a hands on experience with some the new decking and the ConceaLoc and TopLoc fastening systems.

Chris Mergel, CJ Link CEO, Victor Walsh, Building History LTD and Rich Mergel, CJ Link PresidentWant to build Timbertech buzz with your contractors ? Call us today - 800.462.9716 - and we’ll explore the possibilities!