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Filtering by Tag: Brightener

This Stuff is Totally R-A-D!

Joseph Mares

C. J. Link is pleased to announce we are the exclusive wholesale distributor of the RESTORE-A-DECK family of wood restoration products. How gnarly is that!

Designed by wood restoration professionals, it is wood resoration made simple. Professional contractor tools designed for for average do-it-yourself enthusiast.

Step 1 is the RESTORE-A-DECK Cleaner. A biodegrable and 100% bleach free proprietary blend of detergents that will restore your wood to a like new condition.

Step 2 is the RESTORE-A-DECK Brightener. This will help stains and sealers last longer since it will balance the pH to mimic the slightly acidic nature in which trees thrive.

RESTORE-A-DECK Deck Stain Stripper also has the first and only powdered concentrated stripper designed to be injected through a pressure washer, as well as a pump sprayer. Once your penatrating or semi-transparent wood stain has been removed use RESTORE-A-DECK's Step 2 Brightener to neutralize the surface for refinishing.

So call today dude - we are offering special initial public offering discounts until May. Surfs up!