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Filtering by Tag: Panels

Introducing Cedar Cove Cedar Shingle Panels

Joseph Mares


We are proud to be an inaugural distributor for the Cedar Cove Shingle Panel System.

The Cedar Cove Shingle Panel system feature 8' long panels made with a mixed grain Western Red Cedar on an exterior grade backing. The panels are 1 course with a 5" exposure and keyway spacing (slight gap between the shingle edges for a traditional appearance). Pre-primed with an oil primer on all 4 sides they are ready to be painted. With blind nailing and overlapping ends they can be installed 10 times faster than individual shingles can be!

Why use imitation cement or plastic when real wood shingles are available at an afforable price and with low maintenance? Don't compromise - use Cedar Cover Shingle Panels. Call today - 586.773.1200 - or drop us an email - for pricing and availability.

Expanded Plywood & Panel Lineup

Joseph Mares

Craig Porter has wasted no time in filling up our warehouse with new plywood and panel offerings!

We have added the following items to our lineup:

Stay tuned - there will be more to come!

Looking for something not listed - give us a call - Craig can probably find it for you !