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Filtering by Tag: RFP

New Products On The Way - DuraTemp & RediBead

Joseph Mares

We have two new items we're adding to our panel lineup - DuraTemp Siding and RediBead paneling, both from

Roseburg Forest Products


Roseburg DuraTemp

siding surface is a tough hardboard face that won’t split, crack or check and has a

natural textured appearance. Its surface is 100% clear and free of patches and repairs. It’s easy to paint, and can withstand exposure to the elements. Duratemp is manufactured with a strong plywood veneer inner core that is made of western softwood veneer and a fully water resistant (NAUF) phenolic resin. Unlike vinyl and cement siding, DuraTemp Siding is made from real wood, an environmentally friendly renewable resource. Did we mention the 50 Year Limited Warranty? 

Roseburg RediBead

is a beaded panel that combines the look and feel of real wood with a tongue and groove beaded appearance. The edges are finished so when installed, there is hardly any seam visible between panels. Made In The U.S.A. from the finest pine veneer and cores available in the market, RediBead is very durable and resistant to scratches, scuff marks and punctures that often occur on walls in high traffic areas.

Contact your


for samples and pricing. And be sure to check out the other

Plywood Siding


Sanded Panel

offerings we have available.