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Filtering by Tag: Underlayment

UltraPly XL - The Premium Underlayment with a Lifetime Warranty

Joseph Mares

C.J. Link's newest addition to our ever expanding plywood lineup is UltraPly XL from the Moreland Company. UltraPly XL is a premium flooring underlayment with a lifetime warranty - the only warranty offered in it's class!. You don't have to worry about call backs with UltraPly XL - it is guaranteed not to have any core voids/core laps, not to delaminate and not to cause “yellowing”. On top of that, it is an environmentally friendly “green” product, qualifying for LEED credits for Rapidly Renewable Material, Low Emitting Material & Indoor Air Quality.

Add a $20 coupon for any full 4x8 lift of 80 pieces purchased in the month of November and there's no reason not to give UltraPly XL a try today!